10 Tips To Start A Mindfulness Practice

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and tranquility has become a precious commodity. Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient traditions, offers a remedy to our hectic lives. By cultivating mindfulness, we can learn to be fully present in each moment, fostering mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being. If you're new to this practice, fret not! 

1. Find Your Why

Before we even get started, it’s helpful to ask yourself why you want to practice mindfulness. Staying motivated and making time for consistent practice is not always easy, but necessary to see results. Are you wanting to decrease stress at work? Have more meaningful conversations? Decrease symptoms of anxiety or depression? Be happier? Defining your why can help you come back to the practice, even when you don’t want to. 

2. Start Small

While a seven-day silent retreat sounds great, it’s best to begin your mindfulness journey with short sessions. Set aside 5-10 minutes each day for your practice. Over time, you can gradually extend the duration as you become more comfortable and accustomed to the practice.

3. Find A Quiet Space

While this isn’t necessary, finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed can help with practice consistency. This can be a corner of your room, a chair in your living room, a peaceful park on your daily walk, or any place where you feel at ease.

4. Practice Regularly

There are two ways to practice mindfulness: a formal practice (thing typical quiet meditation) and informal where you apply mindfulness in everyday life activities like brushing your teeth.

In order to see results of experiencing mindfulness in everyday life, consistency in your formal practice is key. This is what strengthens the neural pathways in the brain to pay attention when you aren’t in a quiet and comfortable space. Dedicate a specific time each day to your practice: whether it’s in the morning, at night, before/after something consistent already in your routine - any time to make sure it’s easy to incorporate into your day.    

5. Focus On Your Breath

When in doubt, remember mindfulness is as easy as bringing attention back to your breath. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then, let your breath flow naturally. Pay attention to the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body.

6. Be Kind To Your Wandering Mind 

Remember the goal of mindfulness is not to eliminate all thoughts but to observe them without getting entangled in them. As you sit in stillness, thoughts will inevitably arise. Instead of fighting them, simply observe them as if you were watching clouds passing by. Gently bring your focus back to your breath whenever you find your mind wandering. 

7. Engage Your Senses

In addition to your breath, engaging your senses is a wonderful way to ground yourself in the present moment. Pay attention to the sounds around you, the feeling of your body against the surface you're sitting on, and any scents in the air. This practice enhances your awareness of the current environment, it’s free, and you can take it anywhere you go. 

8. Apply In Your Normal Routine 

Outside of your formal practice of dedicated time, your informal practice is critical! Pick a few activities you already do where you can incorporate mindfulness. It could be when taking a shower, doing your skincare routine, brushing your teeth, drinking your morning beverage, or eating. When you're eating, savor each bite and notice the flavors and textures. When you're walking, pay attention to the sensation of each step. Whichever the practice is, slow down and just pay attention. 

Learn more about informal mindfulness and 50 examples here

9. Go Easy On Yourself

Mindfulness is a journey, and there's no "right" or "wrong" way to do it. Be patient with yourself, and avoid self-criticism if you find your mind wandering during meditation. Each moment is a new opportunity to practice.

10. Seek Guidance

If you're finding it challenging to start on your own, consider seeking guidance. There are numerous resources available, including books, apps, and online videos, that can provide guided mindfulness meditations and helpful tips. 

By taking small steps and committing to a regular practice, you can gradually cultivate mindfulness and experience its transformative effects. The essence of mindfulness lies not in achieving a particular state of mind but in embracing the present moment with an open heart and mind. 

Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. Here at Words for Monday, we hope to share the practice of mindfulness in a fun, digestible, and easy-to-apply way so you can start being present in your own life. Right. Now.

Be sure to check out our other blog posts and courses for more.

See what happens when you start paying attention. 



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