Mindfulness vs Meditation

Mindfulness. Mediation. Mindful meditation. Meditating mindfully. Mindfully meditating mindfulness. 

Yes, it is possible to practice mindfulness without meditation, and it’s possible to practice meditation without being mindful. AND, it’s possible to practice mindful meditation.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice


Mindfulness and meditation both seem like enigmatic, ambiguous practices from the outside. These buzzwords are thrown around everywhere, yet most meditators can’t even tell you the difference between the two. The terms are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct characteristics and purposes. 

In essence, mindfulness can be considered a quality of awareness that can be developed through meditation and applied to various aspects of life. Meditation, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses a range of practices, including mindfulness, each with its own specific focus and goals. Both mindfulness and meditation can have profound positive effects on mental well-being, emotional regulation, and personal growth.

Many meditations may start with moments of mindfulness, bringing the body and mind into the present moment before diving into the meditation.

Ready more about informal mindfulness with 50 examples of how to practice it here.

During the intentional focus of meditation, one may choose a focal point of something we are experiencing in the present moment, (such as the breath) this is mindful meditation.

To conclude, mindfulness can be thought of as a state of awareness that you cultivate through various practices, including mindfulness meditation, while meditation is the practice itself. They can both vastly benefit the mind and body, and change the way you experience life.

Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. Here at Words for Monday, we hope to share the practice of mindfulness in a fun, digestible, and easy-to-apply way so you can start being present in your own life. Right. Now.

Be sure to check out our other blog posts and courses for more.

See what happens when you start paying attention. 



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