Informal Mindfulness: 50 Examples and How-To Do It

In building the foundation for any mindful practice, we must incorporate both formal and informal mindfulness. Formal mindfulness, also thought of as mindfulness meditation (read about mindfulness vs meditation), is when we dedicate time just mindfulness practice. We bring our attention to our breath, our body, our senses, or our thoughts in a silent or guided meditation.

Our formal practice builds the foundation for our informal practice, allowing us to seamlessly integrate mindfulness into our daily routine.

What is Informal Mindfulness Practice? 

Informal mindfulness practice is the art of being fully present in your daily activities, no matter how mundane or routine they may seem. It's about engaging with the world around you with heightened awareness and without judgment. 

Romanticizing Your Life

The good news, is we don’t need to go anywhere or do anything special to practice informal mindfulness - the point is to practice it during tasks we already do. It can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee, walking in the park, or waiting in line at the store, you can choose to be present, engage your senses, and let go of distractions. All it takes is a conscious decision to be mindful.

We hope these informal mindfulness practices can help you cultivate mindfulness in your daily life and enhance your overall well-being.

50 Examples of Informal Mindfulness Practice

  1. Mindfully savor your morning coffee or tea

  2. Pay close attention to your breath while waiting in line.

  3. Observe the sensation of water while washing your hands or dishes.

  4. Listen attentively during a conversation without thinking of your response.

  5. Mindfully chew your food with each bite.

  6. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

  7. Notice the sound of birds or traffic during a walk.

  8. Observe your surroundings during a commute.

  9. Feel the texture of your clothing against your skin.

  10. Focus on the aroma of the food as you cook.

  11. Do a quick body scan before you fall asleep

  12. Watch the details of nature during a hike.

  13. Feel the sensation of your feet touching the ground as you walk.

  14. Pay attention while brushing your teeth

  15. Mindfully petting your dog or cat.

  16. Listen to your breath as you lie in bed before sleep.

  17. Watch the movement of your hands as you type or write.

  18. Feel the water and all of the smells while taking a shower.

  19. Observe the colors and shapes of the flowers in a garden

  20. Notice your breath and body during moments of stress

  21. Feel the temperature of the air on your skin.

  22. Pay attention to your partner's body language and expressions.

  23. Savor the taste of a piece of fruit.

  24. Listen to the rustling of leaves in the wind.

  25. Observe the details of a painting or artwork.

  26. Feel your muscles relaxing during a deep breath.

  27. Watch the movement of your fingers on a keyboard or touchscreen.

  28. Pay attention to the sensations while taking a hot bath.

  29. Observe the changing colors of the sky during sunrise or sunset.

  30. Listen to the sounds of nature on a hike or walk in the park.

  31. Feel the sensation of stretching during yoga or exercise.

  32. Notice the aroma of a scented candle.

  33. Pay attention to your child's laughter or expressions.

  34. Feel the warmth of a hug from a loved one.

  35. Listen to the sounds of your surroundings during meditation.

  36. Watch the details of a burning candle.

  37. Pay attention to the sensation of your feet on the ground while standing.

  38. Feel the sensation of your body sinking into a comfortable chair.

  39. Notice the colors and shapes of fruits and vegetables while shopping

  40. Pay attention to the sounds of music on your favorite playlist

  41. Observe the sensation of stretching and yawning in the morning.

  42. Listen to the sound of rain or water flowing.

  43. Focusing on your breathing while waiting for an appointment or starting a zoom meeting

  44. Feel the sensation of deep breathing during a sigh of relief.

  45. Walk through the flowers and smell them at the grocery store

  46. Notice how the fabrics of your clothes feel when getting dressed

  47. Take your time in your skincare routine and notice all of the details

  48. Take a break from working behind the computer or phone scrolling. Close your eyes, breathe, and check in 

  49. Pay attention to your breath and the sensations in your body during exercise.

  50. Observe your thoughts and feelings during moments of solitude.

Take a moment today to practice informal mindfulness, and watch as it transforms your perspective on the world around you.

Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. Here at Words for Monday, we hope to share the practice of mindfulness in a fun, digestible, and easy-to-apply way so you can start being present in your own life. Right. Now.

Be sure to check out our other blog posts and courses for more.

See what happens when you start paying attention. 



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